
In 1855, Gibsonville was a crossroads city created by its excellent access to the North Carolina railroad (NCRR). This city was and is still a town built for trains.  Today we offer:

An Actual Train Car: Touch, crawl over, and experience our red Southern Railway X758 in downtown. This restored train car is an a testament to our railway past as well as our information center.  This is open during daytime hours and an excellent backdrop for photographs and fun.

Gibsonville Garden Railroad (GGRR) @ the East Greens Downtown / 220 East Main Street, Gibsonville.  The Gibsonville Garden Rail Road is the largest and most complex public garden rail road in North Carolina.  This over 2,200 foot of g-scale track anchors our downtown.  It can host fourteen trains at one time, plus cable cars, and has Wright Brothers planes all providing hours of viewing enjoyment.  All events are free and run on the first Saturday of each month from April through December (9 AM to noon).  Come run your own trains or watch and enjoy this family friendly activity.  For more information, see the On Track Tour of this amenities.  For a detailed schedule, see our Calendar or consult GGRR’s facebook page

Story Time: During special events and upon request, story time is also offered.

Miniature Trains: On weekends, Northeast Park offers miniature trains for children.  Burlington City Park also offers a miniature train ride during specific events.  These unique trains are one of the many features that makes our area a unique destination.

Amtrak: Ride the real thing.  Statewide and regional train service is available in downtown Burlington.  Whether for a short trip to Charlotte, Durham, Raleigh, or longer, commuter rail is easily available, fun, and effective.

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Are you in the area and not listed above? Please Contact Us.  We love to meet our neighbors.  Also, if any of our neighbors have moved or their business information could be improved, please do let us know.  We know excellence requires diligence and appreciate all feedback.  All the best.